Thursday, October 29, 2009


A few months ago Micajah got a speeding ticket. for going 86 in a 55 mph zone. Some of you may think this is no big deal...most of us will get one sooner or later. That's exactly what i thought too. So, a month ago we went to court to enter a plea, and it was suggested to us that we ask for a public defender. we did. then we were told that we would probably not get one, because Micajah's dad could certainly afford to pay for an attorney. Just a small problem though. His dad and i are going through a divorce right now, and we really aren't on speaking terms. besides the fact that Micajah has not seen or spoken to his dad since April. I won't bore you with those details here, suffice it to say that Micajah has taken on two full time jobs and is being homeschooled, in order to help me pay the bills and have some semblance of a normal life. in other words, we didn't tell his dad about the ticket because we knew it wouldn't matter to him and we also knew HE was not going to help pay for an attorney. and we certainly don't have the money to hire one.

Anyway, that morning he got the ticket, he was on his way to work at his new job and was running a little behind because of traffic. and he WAS speeding. Being 16 yrs. old, he thought that if he was late right off the bat, he wouldn't have a job.

Well, we got a call Monday that they had decided to give us a public defender, but it would costs $50.00. So we showed up at court yesterday and met with him..and he gave us dreadful news that i was totally unprepared for! You see, in GA, if you are caught as a juvenile, going more than 24 miles over the speed limit, there are MANDATORY consequences. And he was going 31 miles over. The attorney began telling us what we were to expect. 2 years probation (his junior and senior year, with a curfew of 6:00 p.m.), his license suspended for 1 year. (which meant bye bye jobs), community service, 4 points on his license, which meant astronomical insurance raise for a boy under 25 yrs., had to attend a defensive driver class, had to attend a class at the hospital for what happens to people involved in traffic accidents, $350.00 fine, $100.00 probation fee, possible other court fees and a permanent record. WOW!!! this is really, really harsh for a first time offender!!! This would certainly change our lives even more drastically than they have already been changed. I asked if we could talk to the judge and explain our situation. The attorney said that just doesn't happen in these cases. He went on to say how juvenile speeding offenses are taken very seriously in GA, which i totally understand, and they have implemented these mandatory sentences for EVERYONE, regardless of any reasons or excuses. I just sat there and cried. and Micajah cried. and i texted this message to my friend, Pam. Others were praying also. And i just pleaded with God to turn things around. Micajah has been through soooo much these last few months. i really couldn't see how he would cope with this.

We went into the courtroom and the judge asked how he pleaded and the attorney said, "Guilty, but we would like to show some mitigating circumstances." and the judge just looked at him and said, "Sir, you know that mitigating circumstances don't come into this type of case." and the attorney just asked if the judge would please just let Micajah explain to him why he was speeding that morning. So, the judge allowed Micajah to take the stand and the attorney began asking him about our lives the past few months...and then he said, "Micajah, WHY were you speeding that morning?" and Micajah got very emotional and said, "my dad left my mom and me a few months ago and i had to be taken out of the school i had been going to since i was 3 yrs. old, and i needed to work, so i was late that morning because of heavy traffic and all i knew was that i couldn't lose this job because all me and my mom have left is our house, and i didn't want that to be taken away from us too." Boy, the floodgates opened and the deputies were all running around trying to find me tissues and i have never been prouder of my son than i was at that moment.

He stepped down, and the judge asked the probation officer what punishment he recommended and he said that by law he had to recommend those i listed above. and the judge asked him what he would personally recommend, and the man said, that the case be dropped. Then he asked the District Attorney what she recommended and she asked if the attorneys could approach the bench. They all talked awhile and then the judge came back and he looked at Micajah and his next words absolutely left me speechless. He said, "Young man, you have admitted that you were speeding. I don't believe for a minute that you were racing or showing off or even just driving fast to be doing it. The law mandates the punishment for this offense, but as the judge, i am given some discretion and i am going to exercise that in this case. Your punishment will be that for the next three minutes you will sit here and listen to me scold you (exact words) about the dangers of speeding, and then you will be free to go. no fines, no community service, no suspension of his license, no probation. FREE TO GO. this will be as though it never happened. there will be nothing on your record. I feel bad for what you and your mother are going through and i sincerely believe that exacting harsher punishment will be devastating to you and your mother. i believe you have learned your lesson and you are a remarkable young man for taking on such a big responsibility at your young age. You may go."

And in that instant, GOD smiled on us!!! We went from thoughts of utter devastation to thanking God for being bigger than our storm! He truly is an awesome GOD, and he truly is looking down on us and saying, "Your ways are not MY ways." "I know the plans i have for you."

When we walked out of there, the probation officer and the attorney both said that had never happened in that courtroom. By the way, even the District Attorney herself had gone to the bench to ask the judge for leniency!

Anyone think this wasn't a GOD thing? i would beg to differ. <3<3<3

p.s. talk about an answer to prayer. the judge had scolded him and let him go, just as i had asked my friend to pray for.


Unknown said...

What a great story! He sounds like a wonderful son.

Brandon Wigley said...

This show's just how amazing the God we serve is. This proves that he preforms miracles no matter how big or small! Thank you Lord for your loving mercy!!!